The stwind was indeed days gone by of some Flakpanzers (anti-aircraft tanks) based on the Panzer IV framework to enter manufacturing, albeit in tiny figures. The stwind carried one 3.7cm FlaK43 gun, that is far better compared to the less efficient 2cm weapons of the irbelwind, as well as needed less area in turret, including just needing a crew of two (gunner and loader) rather than the gunner and two loaders of the quadruple weapons. Like irbelwind the stwind had an exceptional angular turret, now six sided, along with the gun growing from a slot in pointed front with this turret. After studies in July, on 18 August 1944 Ostbau got a contract to create 100 stwind Is. Under half of those automobiles is produced the very first fifteen of eventual total of forty-three was completed in December 1944, much too late to obtain any effect on the war.
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