-From [mobile phone Suit Gundam OO] [Gundam Curious] to MG based on the latest draft by Mr. Takayuki Yanase!
-In conformity with the original setting, a framework common to MG 1/100 Gundam Dunames is used.
-Reproduce the transformation to MA sort by frame framework!
-Locked throat armor and backpack nose in MA kind to enhance type retention and offer a trusted display.
-The hand components reproduce the identical deformation system as animation. Hand components are bent inwards while keeping the cordless grip in MA mode.
-The GN beam submachine gun connected to the supply joint is replaceable.
-Wireless hold could be attached with two tools as set.
-GN shield is implemented. Also, various poses are feasible by rotating the written text.
-GN hand missile item could possibly be prepared on arm.
・ GN beam submachine weapon × 1
・ GN hand missile item × 2
・ cordless hold × 2
・ GN beam saber × 2
・ GN shield x 1
・ Foil seal × 1
・ Marking seal × 1
・ PP sheet x 1
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